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Product details

File Size: 4052 KB

Print Length: 280 pages

Publisher: PESI Publishing & Media (July 3, 2018)

Publication Date: July 3, 2018

Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC

Language: English




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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#23,421 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)

I dont have a somatic psychotherapist. I thought this would be helpful for me in giving me tools and practices to do the work on my own. It looks like a really awesome resource, but it's written and designed for professionals and over half the worksheets are either work for the practitioner alone or dependant on the practitioner for guidance/direction. Not what I expected and not useful for me as a patient.

This is a must-read for every clinician out there. This book reminds us just how much of our experience happens in the body and just how unattended the body can be. It is a wonderfully clear, concise and comprehensive guide to using somatic techniques in therapy that can equally benefit a seasoned or a novice clinician. The author shares her tremendously rich experience by offering very practical and concrete ways of how to guide our clients into their own body, help them become aware of inner processes, and how to make this experience safe and meaningful.

I use skills from this book regularly. It's a great resource and something that every therapist should have handy on their desk.

Excellent resource.

Great book to use in a working practice





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