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, by David Garrison

, by David Garrison

, by David Garrison

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, by David Garrison

Product details

File Size: 9340 KB

Print Length: 328 pages

Publisher: WIGTake Resources, LLC (January 24, 2014)

Publication Date: January 24, 2014

Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC

Language: English




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Sometimes I am not sure what is going on in my own heart, let alone that of my neighbor, still less the billion-plus Muslims in hundreds of cultures around the world whom I have never met. Garrison is undertaking a difficult task, delving into a spiritual revolution in the lives of millions of Muslims in nine distinct regions of the world who are attracted to the person of Jesus, and seek to become his followers in some sense.At first I was a little irritated by the "scholarly apparatus" which Garrison trots out to explain or justify his approach -- "I'm not neutral, we all bring certain biases, I have these preconceptions," etc. etc. Yeah, we know that, but this is not a dissertation or an article in a sociology journal. But in the end, his scholarly caution, ability to bracket claims, and understanding of methodology and all that, really do add to the value of this book. He avoids Hype and Rumor, those twin "orphan children" that would rob his arguments blind, and presents a balanced and credible picture of a very encouraging, if still small, movement.Garrison takes us through those "nine rooms" of the House of Islam one by one, interviewing new followers of Jesus. Sometimes he lapses into evangelical enthusiast mode, and who wouldn't? After 1300 years, finally we see Muslims coming to Christ in appreciable numbers. And many of the stories are amazing, even if talk of dreams and healing are sometimes a little too vague for the critical apologist in me. Like another reviewer, I was particular struck by the stories of a group of Muslim men who shocked their missionary confidants by their matter-of-fact talk about beating and even killing uppity or lazy or incompetent wives, and what happened next. Which only goes to show that for any of us, conversion is just the beginning.What I liked best about this book, besides the good news it brought, was how it covered so many separate regions of the world. I have met a few converts from some of these regions, and heard their stories. And Muslims I have met seem to share a sincere belief in God based on grounds I hold in common with them, such as the marvels of Nature. But as a China scholar who wrote his dissertation (and first book, True Son of Heaven: How Jesus Fulfills the Chinese Culture) on the "fulfillment" relation between Christianity and East Asian tradition, I have always been biased against the same treatment of Islamic tradition. I regard Mohammed, unlike say Confucius or Lao Zi, as a fundamentally bad person -- a murderer, war-monger, rapist and slave-trader who did not really hear from God. And yet, it seems, the Holy Spirit often does use the Koran's many references to the "Breath of God" or "Messiah," Jesus Christ, to point Muslims in our day towards a better prophet. All I can say is, praise God!

A great portrait of how God is reaching the hearts of many. Revealing the truth of the Gospel in the Islamic world has historically been one of the most difficult things anyone could do. This book is full of anecdotes and historically accurate stories of what has happened throughout the centuries to Christian missionaries and many others who have tried to bring the Gospel to the Islamic world. This is important because it gives us a foundation and understanding of the danger inherent to this undertaking.There are so many wonderful stories about the many men and women who have sacrificed almost everything they've known to embrace the message of Jesus Christ. Some of these men and women have been beaten; some of them have been exiled from their families; and some of them have been killed simply for loving Jesus. Unfortunately, this is still the norm for anyone who chooses to follow Jesus Christ in many parts of the world. Yet, even though great obstacles stand in their way, droves of people are still coming to Jesus Christ because of revelatory dreams, logical analysis of the Gospels, compassion from the followers of Christ compared to the violence and mistreatment by local religious leaders and groups, and a realization that Jesus Christ's message is unique and provides them with a solution to their problems - a solution that only God Himself can offer.Some of the stories were really touching, and some made me realize how much we take for granted living in the West. We are allowed to practice any religion, or lack of religion, as we see fit. This is a luxury that many do not have in other parts of the world. Many of us here in the West think that this is a problem from an ancient time in history, but that is not the case. This is a huge problem that much of the world still has to face. Men and women are butchered and killed every day for simply choosing to follow Jesus Christ, and this book is another reminder that this is a very real problem that needs to be addressed. Our government downplays the severity of this, and the increasingly anti-Christian society we live in (here in the United States) does not care enough about this to make it an issue worth doing anything about.

This is a the best resource I have seen that documents what is happening in the Islamic world in recent years in terms of people from Muslim backgrounds coming to faith in Jesus Christ and how this is happening. Never before in the history of the world has there been such a movement of God of this magnitude among these people whom God loves as much as any other. This book carefully lays out the results of a painstaking in-person personalized survey of real people from all of the 'houses of Islam' around the world to discern what God is doing 'on the ground' in the Islamic world. Collecting exact numbers is not possible, but by virtue of this intense effort to document the facts, the author is able to present a credible account of the state of this movement.

This a study, not opinion or a novel. Great insight into primitive, tribal belief systems in Africa, Asia, and the Middle East and how radical Islamic leaders rule by violence, maintaining control. Interesting how the extreme violence and thought control turns some hearts and minds to Jesus. Not a specific denomination or set of doctrines, but to simple acceptance of Jesus as the divine Son of God.

This book points out very clearly that God is still actively at work in our world and Islam is not more powerful than He is! Often we fallible people feel that the latest ism is going to overwhelm God's people and we act like it is up to us to "save" Christianity. But Garrison shows us in many ways that no ism, including Islam (much like communism before) is able to stand against God. Jesus promised us his eternal presence, power and authority. So no matter what we adversary we face we have to remember to continue to act as His children, actively loving even those who oppose us, and watch to see how He will defeat every foe!

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