Free Download DK Workbooks: Coding with Scratch Workbook: An Introduction to Computer Programming, by DK

Free Download DK Workbooks: Coding with Scratch Workbook: An Introduction to Computer Programming, by DK

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DK Workbooks: Coding with Scratch Workbook: An Introduction to Computer Programming, by DK

DK Workbooks: Coding with Scratch Workbook: An Introduction to Computer Programming, by DK

DK Workbooks: Coding with Scratch Workbook: An Introduction to Computer Programming, by DK

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DK Workbooks: Coding with Scratch Workbook: An Introduction to Computer Programming, by DK

About the Author

Dr. Jon Woodcock has a degree in Physics from the University of Oxford and a PhD in Computational Astrophysics from the University of London. He started coding at the age of eight and has programmed all kinds of computers from single-chip microcontrollers to world-class supercomputers. His many projects include giant space simulations, research in high-tech companies, and intelligent robots made from junk. Jon has a passion for science and technology education, giving talks on space and running computer programming clubs in schools. He has worked on numerous science and technology books as a contributor and consultant, including DK's How Cool Stuff Works and Help Your Kids with Computer Coding.

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Product details

Age Range: 6 - 9 years

Grade Level: 1 - 4

Series: DK Workbooks

Paperback: 40 pages

Publisher: DK Children; Workbook edition (November 3, 2015)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1465443924

ISBN-13: 978-1465443922

Product Dimensions:

8.5 x 0.2 x 11 inches

Shipping Weight: 5.9 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

4.6 out of 5 stars

48 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#16,354 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

My son is teaching himself scratch with various online tools and he was happy to get this book to give him some more ideas. I'm amazed at what he can do without any guidance from me. I would buy again!

I bought this book to teach my 7 year old daughter how to code. I figured I would learn Scratch first before passing on that knowledge. This book sat on my desk for a couple months while I struggled to find time. Lo’ and behold, my dear child picked up the book, was fascinated by all the colorful fun projects depicted and begged me to teach her. We sat down one Saturday, and she finished the book in one afternoon. She was mesmerized. She went on to create other projects by adding her own twists and embellishments. I’m amazed by how much she picked up from this little book. Kudos to the authors for putting together such a wonderful, easily accessible book. We also bought the follow-up book Coding in Scratch: Games. It is just as fun!

My daughter took to this with no hesitation whats-so-ever! She loves it. This book is very easy for her to follow and I was surprised that she had a game up and running in less than 10 mins. Definitely worth it.

Amazon logistics, here's a tip, for training your delivery people:Tell them that there is a thing called DOOR BELL. It is a little button, next to almost every door in the WORLD, most of the time, it is located in the frame of the door. When the button is pressed, most of the time, a device makes a sound that lets know the people inside that someone is outside asking permission to enter or open the door.There are other times that there is a panel, with several of these buttons. Each button has a NUMBER, if the delivery person knows how to read numbers, will find the number that corresponds to the button that must be pressed. Again, a sound will let, the people inside that someone is calling them.VERY SIMPLE!

I started using scratch to teach my two year old some fundamentals of computer sciences and computer programming and I picked up the Coding with Scratch Workbook from DK Workbooks to help add some structure to the Scratch lesson I set up with my daughter. For me the DK Workbook has been an essential tool to help me get the most out of Scratch. It has a good selection of step by step tutorials and it's very easy to read and understand.

This was a perfect book to teach drag -n-drop programming to an 8 yr old. Easy directions to download Scratch which was created at MIT to teach kids programming. This book is simple enough and yet teaches basic concepts. Can easily create a "sprite" that moves around the screen according to how the child programs it. Fun to program with quick results. Definitely recommend this!

Scratch is a great tool for teaching kids to program. I purchased two of these so that my nieces and I can work through them together. They were so excited to open this present up and learn to program computers like Uncle BJ. The workbook is easy enough to use that my non-techy sister can help them with it too.

I only review products that are the best. Perfect starter coding book for 9-10 year olds.

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DK Workbooks: Coding with Scratch Workbook: An Introduction to Computer Programming, by DK PDF

DK Workbooks: Coding with Scratch Workbook: An Introduction to Computer Programming, by DK PDF

DK Workbooks: Coding with Scratch Workbook: An Introduction to Computer Programming, by DK PDF
DK Workbooks: Coding with Scratch Workbook: An Introduction to Computer Programming, by DK PDF

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